Attached please find the official announcement of the IACM Mechanistic Machine Learning & Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering and Technology (MMLDT-CSET), which will be held September 26-29, 2021 at the Mission Bay, San Diego, CA, USA.
The objective of this conference is to facilitate the transition of Mechanistic Machine Learning (MML) and digital twins (DT) from fundamental research to mainstream fields and technologies through the fusion of mechanistic data science, computational technologies, and education and training. We will have technical tracks of emerging MML-DT fields and applications, special public lectures, education programs, short courses and demonstrations. With the support of a scientific committee that includes more than one hundred our colleagues from academia, governments and industries around the globe (see attached flyer), we are confident that this conference will bring together the diverse communities that are interested in learning, developing and adopting mechanistic machine learning and digital twins to a broad range of engineering and scientific applications, and promote collaborations between engineers, data and computer scientists, mechanicians, and mathematicians from academia, federal agencies, and industry.
Wing Kam Liu, Northwestern University
JS Chen, University of California, San Diego
Francisco Chinesta, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
Charbel Farhat, Stanford University
George Karniadakis, Brown University
WaiChing Sun, Columbia University