The IACM Congress Medal (Gauss-Newton Medal) is the highest award given by IACM. It honors individuals who have made outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational mechanics generally over periods representing substantial portions of their professional careers.

The Award is called Newton – Gauss in recognition of the synergy between mathematics, numerical analysis, and mathematical modeling of physical events that underpin much of the broad field of computational mechanics.

The IACM Congress Medal

P. Ladevèze, Awardee 2018
Year Awardee(s)
2018 P. Ladevèze
2016 B. A. Schrefler
2014 C. Farhat
2012 W. K. Liu
2010 E. Oñate
2008 E. Ramm
2006 I. Babu s ka
2004 F. Brezzi, D. R. J. Owen
2002 T. Belytschko, R. L. Taylor
1998 T. J. R. Hughes, E. Stein
1994 J. T. Oden
1991 R. H. Gallagher, O. C. Zienkiewicz
1990 J. H. Argyris
1986 R. W. Clough
The IACM John Argyris Award for Young Scientists recognizes outstanding accomplishments, particularly outstanding published papers, by researchers 40 or younger. Eligibility requires that the nominee not turn 41 in the year the award is presented.

The Award is sponsored by Elsevier to honour Professor John Argyris’ significant contributions.

The IACM John Argyris Award for Young Scientists is sponsored by Elsevier to honour Professor John Argyris’ significant contributions in the field.

The 2,000 Euros Award 2016 will be presented at the XII World Congress on Computational Mechanics in Seoul, South Korea, in July 2016, jointly by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) and Elsevier.

For awardees of The John Argyris Award for the best paper by a young researcher in the field of Computational Mechanics, sponsored by Elsevier and awarded every two years coinciding with the IACM World Congress between 2002 and 2012, please click here.

Prof. O.C. Zienkiewicz

F. Chinesta, Awardee 2018
Year Awardee(s)
2018 F. Chinesta
2016 C. A. Mota Soares
2014 J. N. Reddy
2012 C. Farhat, M. Papadrakakis
2010 P. Wriggers, M. Yuan
2008 G. Yagawa
2006 B. Schrefler
2004 Y. K. Cheung, R. Ohayon
2002 H. Mang, S. Idelsohn, S. Valliappan
1998 T. Kawai, E. Oñate, A. Samuelsson
The IACM Award Computational Mechanics will be given for contributions to traditional areas, such as computational structural mechanics and computational fluid dynamics, but may also be given to recognize contributions outside these specific areas. For example, the Award may be given in recognition of accomplishments in software development, scientific computing, research contributions in computational electromagnetics, semi-conductor device simulation, biomechanics or other areas not traditionally embraced by computational structural mechanics and fluid dynamics but which have general applicability to computational mechanics.

C. Soize, Awardee 2018
Year Awardee(s)
2018 C. Soize
2016 S. Idelsohn
2014 L. Demkowicz
2012 J. S. Chen, W. Wall
2010 C. Felippa, J. Fish, T. Yabe
2008 R. Ohayon and X. Oliver
2006 M. Papadrakakis, P. Wriggers
2004 P. Ladevèze, G. Yagawa
2002 C. Farhat, R. Lewis, W. K. Liu, M. Ortiz, D. R. J. Owen, E. Ramm, B. Schrefler
1998 T. Belytschko, R. de Borst, K. Morgan, R. L. Taylor, T. Tezduyar

The IACM John Argyris Award for Young Scientists recognizes outstanding accomplishments, particularly outstanding published papers, by researchers 40 or younger. Eligibility requires that the nominee not turn 41 in the year the award is presented.

The Award is sponsored by Elsevier to honour Professor John Argyris’ significant contributions.

The IACM John Argyris Award for Young Scientists is sponsored by Elsevier to honour Professor John Argyris’ significant contributions in the field.

The 2,000 Euros Award 2016 will be presented at the XII World Congress on Computational Mechanics in Seoul, South Korea, in July 2016, jointly by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) and Elsevier.

For awardees of The John Argyris Award for the best paper by a young researcher in the field of Computational Mechanics, sponsored by Elsevier and awarded every two years coinciding with the IACM World Congress between 2002 and 2012, please click here.

J. Yvonnet, Awardee 2018
Year Awardee(s)
2018 J. Yvonnet
2016 H. S. Park
2014 A. Reali
2012 A. Lew, K. Takizawa
2010 Y. Bazilevs
2008 M. Bischoff, J. Dolbow
2006 N. Moës
2004 R. Codina, T.Furukawa, K. Jansen
2002 F. Armero, C. A. Taylor
1998 C. Farhat, J. Peraire