The WCCM-APCOM 2022, the joint 15thWorld Congress in Computational Mechanics   (WCCM XV) and 8thAsia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM VIII)
Will be held during July 31-August 5, 2022 in Yokohama, Japan.  The congress is expected to be one of the first major computational mechanics events after the Covid-19 pandemic
with an expected participation from all parts of the globe, representing multiple sectors, academia, industries, and government institutions.

The congress format will be hybrid but mainly takes the standard face-to-face format, and all the presentations are supposed to be supplemented by pre-recorded videos, which
Will be published for registered physical and virtual participants. Note that all speakers must decide to either physically come to the venue or not upon registration by May 10, 2022.
Please also note that no live streams will be provided, and virtual participants can only access to on-demand videos.

We invite you to participate in this distinguished scientific and technical event and to submit an abstract to any of the 336 scheduled Minisymposia, through the Conference web site,
before November 15, 2021.

Please note that the congress allows only one presentation per registered participant and a 20 minutes talk for each general presentation.

Further information for submission of abstracts, the template and registration as well as further information concerning the joint conference may be found on the conference website.

WCCM-APCOM 2022 Organizers, the IACM and APACM are of course very focused and sensitive on the current situation and development of Covid-19. We ensure to all participants that we
Will be closely following any update and that the onsite experience for all delegates follows all the healthcare    and    security    measures    established    by    the    World    Health   Organization
<> and the regulations of local governments.

We thank you in advance for your interest and cooperation towards the success of the WCCM- APCOM 2022 and look forward to welcoming you in Yokohama in the Summer of 2022.

Our best regards,

Seiichi Koshizuka, Chairman

Daigoro Isobe, Technical Program Chair

Kenjiro Terada, Secretary General