Today, the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) is a well-established professional society, with almost five thousand affiliates worldwide. Its Awards Program has been established to honor individuals who have made significant contributions in basic or applied computational mechanics, and to showcase the work of creative scholarship of its membership to the entire world.

The IACM Awards are conferred every two years. They were designed to recognize members in different age groups and to achieve different purposes: for senior researchers, to celebrate a lifetime achievement; for mid-career researchers, to honor an exceptional accomplishment; and for early career researchers or graduate students, to reward outstanding young research talent for a significant contribution in computational mechanics.

The IACM Fellows Award recognizes up to 8 individuals with a distinguished record of research accomplishment and publication in areas of computational mechanics, and demonstrated support of the IACM through membership and participation in the Association, its meetings and activities.

1. M. Cruchaga 3. M. G. Larson 5. G. Lubineau 7. Y.J. Zhang
2. E. De Souza Neto 4. L. de Lorenzis 6. B. Riviere
M. Cruchaga
E. De Souza Neto
M. G Larson L. de Lorenzis
G. Lubineau
B. Riviere

Y.J. Zhang
1. M. Buehler 2. E. Cueto 3. K. Garikipati 4. A. Lew
5. D. Néron 6. H. Park 7. J. Schröder

M. Buehler
E. Cueto K. Garikipati
A. Lew D. Néron H. Park
J. Schröder
1. N.R. Aluru 3. M. Arroyo 5. P.R.M. Lyra 7. Z. Yosibash
2. I. Arias 4. E. Hachem 6. H. Okada
N.R. Aluru I. Arias M. Arroyo E. Hachem
P.R.M. Lyra H. Okada Z. Yosibash
1. A. Cardona 3. R. Ghanem 5. S. Koshizuka 7. E. Rank
2. P. R. B. Devloo 4. S. Li 6. M. Kuczma

2018 Fellows Awardees with
Profs. Charbel Farhat and Wing Kam Liu

1. J. Bonet 3. S. De 5. A. Gravouil 7. J. Orkisz
2. M. Cervera 4. M. Geers 6. K. Kashiyama 8. A. Reali
1. M. Behr 3. P. Pimenta 5. K. Terada
2. J. Dolbow 4. K. K. Tamma 6. S. Yoshimura
1. F. Auricchio 5. R. Codina 9. G. Paulino
2. M. Bischoff 6. A. Coutinho 10. A. H. Sameh
3. C.-S. (David) Chen 7. J. Eberhardsteiner
4. F. Chinesta 8. S. Fu
1. D. Benson 6. W. Ju 11. S. Reese
2. T. Burczynski 7. T. Kvamsdal 12. S. Sloan
3. P. Diez 8. T. Laursen 13. T. Yabe
4. R. A. Feijoo 9. G.-R. Liu 14. Y. B. Yang
5. S. Ghosh 10. P. Papadopoulos
1. A. Combescure 4. R. Löhner 7. D. Reddy
2. J-L. Cheno 5. N. Moës 8. W. Wall
3. D. Givoli 6. U. Perego 9. T. I. Zohdi
1. O. Allix 4. A. Masud 7. W. Kanok-Nukulchai
2. P. Bergan 5. J-S. Chen 8. P. Steinmann
3. D. Beskos 6. A. Ibrahimbegovic 9. Z. Waszczyszyn
1. F. Armero 5. H. G. Matthies 9. O. Pironneau
2. I. Harari 6. K. Morgan 10. A. Quarteroni
3. G. Hulbert 7. J. Peraire 11. M. Wheeler
4. P. Le Tallec 8. D. Peric 12. M. Yuan
1. Babuska 10. L.P. Franca 19. J. Oliver
2. J. Baker 11. R. Haber 20. M. Papadrakakis
3. F. Brezzi 12. A. Huerta 21. E. Ramm
4. M. Casteleiro 13. N. Kikuchi 22. F. Rammerstorfer
5. C.K. Choi 14. P. Ladevèze 23. T.E. Tezduyar
6. R. de Borst 15. R. Lewis 24. E.L. Wilson
7. L. Demkowicz 16. M. Morandi-Cecchi 25. P. Wriggers
8. C. Farhat 17. C. Mota-Soares
9. J. Fish 18. P. Pinsky
1. E. Arantes e Oliviera 14. M. Kawahara 27. J.N. Reddy
2. J. H. Argyris 15. T. Kawai 28. A. Samuelsson
3. T. Belytschko 16. M. Kleiber 29. B. Schrefler
4. N. Bicanic 17. B. Kroplin 30. M. Shepherd
5. G. Carey 18. H. Liebowitz 31. E. Stein
6. Y. K. Cheung 19. W.K. Liu 32. G. Strang
7. R. Dautray 20. G. Maier 33. R.L. Taylor
8. E. Dvorkin 21. H. Mang 34. S. Valliappan
9. C. Felippa 22. J.T. Oden 35. N.-E. Wiberg
10. M. Geradin 23. R. Ohayon 36. W. Wunderlich
11. E. Hinton 24. E. Oñate 37. G. Yagawa
12. T. J. R. Hughes 25. D. R. J. Owen 38. W. Zhong
13. S. Idelsohn 26. J. Periaux 39. O.C. Zienkiewicz