Dear colleague, Dear friend,
We are advancing in the organization of one of the largest upcoming events of our community: the joint WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 in Munich.
We invite you to participate in this distinguished scientific and technical event by submitting a proposal to organize a minisymposium in a topic close to your expertise.
In accordance with the tradition of joint WCCM-ECCOMAS events, the conference will be open to the latest developments in all aspects of computational mechanics and applied mathematics. We particularly encourage proposals for minisymposia in new and developing areas that broaden the fields of application.
Please feel free to forward the call to other esteemed researchers who might be interested in contributing to this phase of the conference organisation.
Guidelines for the proposal and organisation of minisymposia and Special Technological Sessions (STS) as well as further information on WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 may be found on the conference website.
Key Date: Deadline for submission of proposals for minisymposia is June 15, 2025.
If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat:
Hoping for a favorable and fast response,
Our best regards,
Wolfgang A. Wall
Technical University of Munich
Alexander Popp
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Marek Behr
RWTH Aachen University
Congress Chairs